99 SHATNERS, H1 & H2 side by side.......

Here’s two that I just finished up for a customer. Well, I did the eye cuts and paint and I guess he will have someone else do the hair. This H2 is the first of several H2 D.W. Shatners that I will be doing (worn eyecuts). Please let me know what you guys think of this duo.





Very nice brotherman.

Thanks Cade but nah… I just enjoy what I do :wink:


Those are awesome man!!Wow…Whoever gets those got h1 and h2 down pat!!the search ends!!

Well you are IMO lol its always good to do something you enjoy :wink:

Wow, your work is incredible James…very close attention to detail. Awesome job, someones going to be a lucky owner that’s for sure.

Much like that story James >> Can’t beat two at the same time! No shadows, no magic & no spells. Just accurate depictions of how they both look…And they both look outstanding.

FANFREAKINTASTIC! JC these two are easily my favorite! Send me the contact info of this customer so I can buy them from him.

Just look at this thing! :open_mouth:
These should both leave James with some hair for sure.Painted by the man should be haired by the man!
I hope the owner doesnt make a mistake with some bad hair,that would be a shame on these beauties!

Amazing JC - Simply Amazing :drinkers:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

wait…you forgot the hair em! lol
Your H2 paint is kick ass!

Simply stunning as usual James… :drinkers: :drinkers:

That’s a hell of a duo!

You can sure tell the difference. I’m always floored by your H2 stuff James, I love it.

KIng James?

Appreciate it guys! I always get all googly when I have a Shatner to work on :mrgreen:


Damnit my blank needs to get there soon :open_mouth: