Something I noticed while looking at BTS stills from H4.
I have always thought that the story of the eyecuts went as follows:
Kirk eyes as seen in the drugstore:
Enlarged by Wilbur:
Enlarged again, final product:
But upon studying the photos closer, as well as some shots from the Meeker house scenes, I realized that the drugstore eyecuts and the eyecuts seen in the second photo above are the same eyecuts! And some of the meeker scenes were shot with these same eyecuts! Here are the three pictures that I realized it from.
Also for a bonus, a photo that was buried on the box set that I have personally NEVER seen. I don’t know how this wasn’t posted yet. I’ll get a screen grab later for better quality and upload it to the gallery .
That last pic has been posted before. The scenes in the film are shot out of order. The scenes with smaller cuts are mostly with Tom Morga.
Remember they had more than one mask on set. I know others that are not on the forum that own a copy. Maybe someday we’ll see them…
I’d never seen it. I’m glad it’s around! It’s a really great photo. Also I’m aware that they’re shot out of order, but I’d love to know what the order was as well. Yes there were multiple copies. Is it known how many? I know in the documentary they mention that DPS sent 6. Do you know how long have they owned them or how they got them, if you don’t mind me asking? How many are you aware of besides Darren’s and Pauls?
Sorry for the assload of questions, just pretty intriguing .
Is it just me or does the “drug scene” mask eyes look like they were sculpted in, I see the outline of big eye cuts almost reminiscent of Don post’s 1984 “the mask”
if the mask in the drug store is the same mask that the eyes were enlarged by Wilbur in your second picture, how did the neck extension on the mask get there
When the film makers contacted DPS asking for masks from the Shatner mold because they wanted it just like the original, DPS didn’t have the Kirk molds like the H4 producers asked for,
so they maybe sculpted in eyes fast to an 84 “The Mask” and did a rush recast of it (84 “The Mask”) resulting in the shrinkage and deformations that we see on the hero and backups.
That’s just my opinion on how the H4 mask came to be, though.
Not saying you or anyone else are wrong, just offering an observation: Kirk eyelids often look like big eye cuts to me. A natural path to follow when widening the eyes.
EDIT: Of course, it could be that I am misunderstanding. On second reading, you’re saying the outward parts of the eyelids are in the shape of 84’ The Mask eyecuts?
Yes, im saying i see what looks to be a very light outline of large eye cuts. especially on the masks right side you can see one, compare that to the eye cuts off an 84 the mask and it looks very similar to me. Also consider Halloween 4 was released in '88 only 4 years after that mask was released, I do do believe its possible they used a '84 to create that mask, not necessarily the “hero” mask but at least the drugstore mask.
The hero mask, the drugstore mask, the backup mask, and the rest of the H4 masks are all from the same mold. And to clarify on the first statement you made about noticing the outlines on the H4 mask, I’ve noticed them as well and I’ve added a picture for clarification purposes.
Hmm Ive never noticed that outline on the “h6” h4, those definetly look to be from the same mold. What does confuse me however is where do the leftover mask(s) from halloween 2 come into play. Its been stated they used leftovers from h2 to created the h4, but from these pictures it does look more like an '84 was used
That’s not the only similarities. The eyebrows, lips, ears, etc all match up.
I don’t know where these came into play. My guess is they had the leftover (done up Malone style with sideburns and such, as it’s my belief that they made masks for the second film and not the first) and they contacted DPS to get more, but DPS didn’t have the molds so they used a retooled 84 The Mask instead. Or perhaps the original 84 The Mask mold already had Kirk eyes, but were cut larger to give the Myers look for that line.