got several REVISIONED blanks way back when and been wanting to do one up for some time! I finally got around to working this in. went with an accurate paint scheme and did the rolled HAIRLINE…only thing i didnt have was the brown/gray crepe hair that was used on the film mask. i tried my own blend then lightly misted some gray into the hair…works for now…THIS IS FOR SALE!!

That thing looks like it was Pulled straight from the floor boards my man! Great job on this one!

thank you my friend :rock: :rock: :rock: i truly appreciate the kind words!!

Great job on converting this Chris. This is the best Revisioned that I have seen. :rock:

The last couples lighting look light screen shots from set man. Not a fan of the mask in anyway…but you rocked the paint and hair and pics

That’s a solid paint up on a mask I usually wouldn’t have given a second glance!

ooooooo thats niiiiice. now do up an Artifact like that. seems you found your RZ legs man. would love to see one by you brother.


Looks screenused brotha! Dang! That is one bad mask. Great job! Id love to have that!