Additional Halloween 1978 Wrap Party Photos

Legally, Kim has no obligation to share anything. She can hoard, keep, and burn every unseen photo she has. And that’s her legal right. But keep in mind, according to copyright law, we’re all thieves stealing Trancas’ intellectual property by buying and selling unlicensed replicas of their mask. Now, Trancas has a long history of denying the right people the rights to making Myers masks. So, many collectors have taken up upon themselves to see it as a moral obligation to to do right by the millions of fans in this community. Couldn’t that also mean there’s a moral obligation to share unseen photos? I consider hoarding to be greedy. I considered Mark greedy for a long time for not sharing photos of the Hero. I understand not wanting to be hounded and pressured nonstop, but there has to be some happy median for both collectors and the owners of these rare items. I will flat out state I don’t like greed. I’m not a part of the greed is good generation and I don’t identify with it. To me, greed is the root of all evil. There’s gotta be a path between “Here’s everything I have, do whatever you want with it.” and “I’m taking this shit with me to my grave.” Kim could release the photos watermarked to show how they belong to her. She could share cropped photos. She could share partials, that show only the parts we’d be interested in seeing (mask shots, colored coverall images, etc). I’m not saying she has to, nor should she release everything. But I’m sure there’s plenty more out there she COULD release that wouldn’t hurt anybody to see.

See my reply above, Kim released a whole book of her photos. Anything more that she has that wasn’t in it is already out there on the Internet. Trancas has more H1 stills on file than Kim. Her negatives went to the studios after shooting and she never saw them again. The prints that she made for her own portfolio and to help the publicists are in her book. There is nothing else she physically has to share for you.

I know, I own the book. But since people were talking about Kim specifically, I assumed she was the person that had more photos. I didn’t realize it was Trancas.

Most people were talking about other collectors, as it is they who are holding on to generally-unseen photos for their own reasons. Some kindly shared various stills with Kim for use in the book, others might never show what they have. And all would have been sourced from eBay or other deals, not from Kim.

:laughing: Oh settle down.
If you read comments between me and K, you would know I found out about something that changes the situation, and it was then resolved.
Also I don’t think you understood my ‘‘moral’’ comment at all.

So I’m kind of confused now after reading comments.
Does the book reveal images that aren’t already public visible on the internet?
If not then are images not shown in the book or online, can only be seen by the studios or Kim, correct?

It had a few that haven’t been seen before, but the majority of them were already available to the public. Most, if not all of them were uploaded to the internet.

Holders of other secret photos probably include Kim (ones given to her by other secret photo holders that she chose to not put in the book) but people that for sure own others are Billy Kirkus, Josh Warren (maybe), Trancas, and some members on the mod team. And obviously the studios will have access too.

Shame that they can’t all be out to the public, but it’s definitely understandable why.

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Delete. Accident.

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For instance, here are BTS shots from an auction back in 2010.

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Here’s some shots of Nick on set, these have been around a long time

Seeing all of these pictures makes me damn mad that we don’t know what brand coveralls were used… someone HAS to know…

Nancy Loomis would know, and she has been contacted, no response though

She may not remember. Or she may have never known if she got them from a secondhand clothes store as some have suspected. It all depends on what her response to me is. Eager to see!

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Kim chose not to put certain photos in the book purely because she preferred the ones in it over what was not used, she is not keeping them “secret” for any reason. Space was also a massive consideration, obviously. The continued insinuations that Kim is deliberately keeping rare stills “hidden” are absolutely false.

I’m not saying or insulting that Kim is keeping them “hidden” to be vindictive towards the hobby at all.

It doesn’t matter what her reason was, if she was sent unseen photos from Kirkus, Trancas, etc. and chose not to put them in the book for whatever reason, whether it be personal preference, space or whatever, that makes her a “secret photo holder”. That doesn’t indicate anything about her morals, nor am I insinuating that it makes her a bad person. It simply means that she is probably a holder of secret, or unseen, photos :slight_smile:.

At the end of the day she doesn’t have any. People don’t randomly send her photos. However, members Kaizu and larry-new, and myself, did send her photos to use in her book. She picked the ones she liked best. Anything we sent that wasn’t used is already out there. Larry contributed the Dr. Pepper photos and several others; the ones not in the book he had already posted here prior to its release. Ditto Kaizu.

Nathan, maybe you should be more tactful about how you approach topics. Referring to people as secret photo holders might not be taken as innocently as you think the term is… Also, people who have rare items often get hounded by other collectors/strangers and that attention isn’t always wanted/appreciated… For example throwing Josh Warren’s name in this thread… I was speaking with Josh this morning and he has no idea why he was mentioned in this thread and says he doesn’t have any photos per say, so not sure why he was brought into this…

Let’s get the thread back on topic… Not speculate on what members are or aren’t secretly holding…

I talked this out with Paul in PMs a week or so ago when this happened, I honestly forgot I made the thread so I’m surprised anyone is still mentioning it.

I think the way it is written out sounds worse than it is, so sorry if it came off that way. I thought it was clear that it was not meant that way.

When I say “secret photo holders” I don’t mean people who hold secret/unpublished photos in a vindictive manner, as it seems to have been interpreted that way. What I mean, or I guess what I should have elaborated on, is that there are people, just regular collectors and such, who hold rare/unpublished (bad selection of the word “secret” on my part) photos from the films.

I personally don’t think there is anything wrong with that and I totally understand why one would. People work hard to see and obtain those photos, some even paying.

If anyone took offense to that statement it was not my intention to begin with and never was, so if anyone offended by that is reading this I would like to apologize. I should’ve chosen my words better. As for Josh, the reason I included his name is because he is a vet and a well respected collector/member, it would only make sense that he has been granted access to such photos. That and it was mentioned somewhere on here that he was one of the individuals who offered Kim photos for her book, so I guess I just assumed that he may hold some unpublished ones. Once again there’s nothing wrong with that and I didn’t really expect anyone to get offended by the term I chose, but like I said I apologize for the wording on that.