AGED H6 HERO PROJECT FOR .....A H G you go Mr. Ghost

FINISHED THIS up for Mike AHG. he had been wanting a look like this for a while and was going to do one up himself but changed his mind. we worked it out where i did it up for him and glad he gave me the nod!! thanks mike!!!

what Mike asked for…

the result (sorry Mike…had to take him for a test spin…)

That’s a dirty looking mask right there my man! Great work on this one… Look at that Hair!
Big Congrats to AHG!
Awesome worn shots Chris!

Stellar work as always, Chris. I need to get my H6 redone after seeing this.


Diggin the worns Chris, you make a good H6 Wilbur.

Best 6 I’ve seen from you yet, Chris. Getting one of these.

Worn shots 1 and 3 are killer.

I like that aged look, nice.

Beautiful piece Chris! Can I ask though which 6 this started as, is it the Wickid Red?

Same question…what mask is it? Mayhem?

I may need one of these!

Now that’s a creepy dude right there, Chris! Congrats AHG!


EPIC! Mike is going to absolutely love this. Well done, Chris! A trendsetting mask, no doubt. :sunglasses:

sorry for the delay in response guys! been doing a lot of home remodeling projects getting prepped for baby Morgan’s arrival, so doing up his room, de-junking the house, laying floor etc has been the focus after work and on weekends.

yes this is a WICKID RED and they’re on special till 10/31!

i appreciate all of the awesome comments as it means the world to me! i was very apprehensive in doing this style of 6, but it turned out better than i had ever imagined! thanks again everyone!


I honestly, LOVE this. This is one of the best 6’s around my friend! You always do great work :wink:

Rockin mask my friend! Great concept…you’re paint nailed it!

Man this one is above and beyyyyyyyyondo!!! Great job Chris love the sheen and the smudges of yellow coming through.

Man that is one scary mofo!!!
I bet Mike will be highly pleased with this one.

Really great work Chris! Mike will love this one! :rock: :rock: :rock: -Tom

Best H6 you’ve ever done.
The hairline is where its at!
Great job!

thanks so much again my friends!! i have several of these lined up now to do and i am SUPER STOKED to get to them :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: