AHG Sculpts

I’ve been seeing a lot of Mike’s sculpts showing up recently on this forum. Are these pre-ordered like we’d typically do with the likes of NAG, Handiboy, Night Owl, so on so on, or does Mike just make these and sell them? I’m loving what I’ve been seeing and would really like to get my hands on one of the Kirks of his I recently saw on here

You just need to look out on eBay. Mike said he may eventually take direct orders but for now he sells everything through eBay. He posts masks as they are finished

Yeah man just keep checking. Follow him on eBay at Allhallowsghost that’s how I’ve gotten all of mine but they go quick so if you see it don’t watch it just buy it right away or I’ll get it lol

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[quote=MyersVictims post_id=1159831 time=1553563288 user_id=20223]
I may have to get one of his H4’s. That thing is a beauty. :jack_o_lantern::ghost:


Thanks for the info guys. I’m gonna be on the lookout on ebay from now on for them