All new H6 pics l> l> l>

OK I am NOW finally happy…it’s funny how much the hair will change your mind…
I fixed it up, took me a few times but I got it now :slight_smile:

Nice Mask, Dude!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Once again… Looks great! :slight_smile:

Is that the Brad Hardin H6? How much do those run for?

Now THAT’S an h6. Looks great

:open_mouth: Jon that is simply Incredible

Dude that mask is amazing :open_mouth: :open_mouth: I love the BH H6 masks damn dude GREAT MASK!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

That looks great Jon…very nice mask man and the hair looks fantastic…Later bud

Nice Jon…What a difference hair makes eh? You going to throw the coveralls on at all?

wow great mask there buddy
you did pretty good with that hair


Best H6 ive seen!!! freakin love it!

Movie mold right? either way it kicks aome major ass :rock: :rock:

Looks great man!

Great shots. I’m guessing the SSN Six originated from this mask/mold. The details are spot on with each other.

love the hair, never been a fan of this H6 mask though. I agree with Duel, looks like a SIX or GPW 6, which those i have never liked. I like the look of the Curse’s, CGP, style masks.

great paint and hair work though

Yeah I agree Steve it does look just exactly like an SSN mask.

Move mold mask! You can’t get any better than that. ( I know I replied already but damn, just had to do it again)

Awesome Jon, my only complaint about this great mask has always been the hair. The hair type looks fantastic but the style (and perhaps hairline just a bit) always lacking. You definitely improved it, congradulations.

Absolutely Steve. I had a Six and I actually liked it better than any other H6 mask I had ever owned except for one problem…FAR too small!! Had it not been for this issue it would have been the keeper. This Brad H mask looks like the SSN correctly sized.

was the SIX a recast from this? thats prolly why it was small

Damn! That mask is dead on. :smiley:

Awesome piece.