Alternative Halloween 1978 title font identified!

So, idk if this has been discovered yet, but I know that I personally had a very difficult time locating the actual font for Halloween’s main titles from 1978, but everyone knew the movie poster font.

While doing some research for a mask stand I’m about to design for my mask, I very luckily happened to stumble upon the actual font used, and it seems to be some alternate version of the ITC Serif Gothic font! In terms of finding a download link or place to actually get ahold of this font, I’ve not discovered yet, BUT I have located the reference image showcasing what each letter and number looks like in their upper and lowercase counterparts. I’ve included it and a reference to the actual titles. If anyone is good with making fonts or photoshop or anything, I am BEGGING, for some help converting this into a proper font file .ttf or alternative version for use with the community!

Sorry if this has been discovered before, but I know that it was a debate for a while or still is! Happy Haunting everyone!!!

(edit, I do notice that the W is not EXACT, but a lot of the other letters, such as the E and N are correct, and the “Heavy” typeface version is a lot closer than the Extra bold photo I had supplied, so I have included the newer more accurate version, I got these screenshots from this website here: )
Halloween titles.jpeg