Any screen used h5s out there?

I’ve seen the 4 a few 6s 7s and 8s never any h5s though

Don Shanks owns one, but it is not in very good condition :confused:

Don Shanks has one
Billy K has one
Scott/QOTS had a blank he did up but now sold to a private collector

The H5 doc said there were 3 finished ones on set. Unless the blank scott owned was the copy used for the SSNs then maybe Sean Clark owns one…

The ones I’ve seen look terrible I was wondering if there was any pics of some half decent ones left

Scott sold the blank to Harvey. It was finished by Brad Hardin. It’s probably the best H5 out there. Harvey would probably sell it.

Scott, that’s your cue for some pics, man! :axe:

Maybe it was finished by Darren from SSN. One of the SSN guys finished it and scott haired it.

Yea some pics would be awesome I would love to see that beast

Did knb make the masks for h5? Did the produce them after the movie was made before SSn started making them