any way to repair a degrading mask?

i’ve got a DP from, i think '96 that i bought new in a costume shop. it’s been sitting in my basement for the last few years on a styrofoam head and has really gone to hell. it’s starting to get dry brittle spots and has some cracking. is there any way i can attempt to fix these? i know it’s not the greatest mask, but i would like to hang on to it for sentimental reasons since it was/is my first myers mask.

The Styrofoam head is the first problem…Styrofoam will degrade the latex faster…GET IT OFF OF THAT

interesting tip ill keep that in mind as well, whats the best? metal, wood, plastic?

there’s not too much you can do to revitalize the mask, but you can preserve the condition its in…get some plasti-dip clear rubber spray and gie it several good coats of that…inside and out. youre actually encasing your mask in rubber.

do a google search for plasti-dip…about 7.50 a can

thanks for the tips!

also keeping it in a basement could also be at fault