Anyone feeling Mint 75??

here’s a few post some pics if u have one!!

H1 look

H2 look (stuffed)

damn thats a sweet ass copy

Very nice!! :sunglasses:

Yeah, that’s a great copy you got there. Looks fantastic.

Nice, I believe that’s my old Mint that AHG converted. I did the hairwork on him… all the markings line up.

Great score, I miss that one!

cool thnks guys

Great pics guys! :rock:

awesome pics guys!!!

well im feeling it now…badass mask bro! :drinkers:

Probably my favorite copy of the mint i’ve seen

Heres the #1 Copy redone by WarLocK…its for sale

Heres my Mint75

Awsome mint’s everyone… Dean

Nice Mints guys. My old #9 (Kirk)

Awesome pic’s guys!!!

james that has kh/dw look to it?

Yeah, it turned out really nice indeed!