As much as I like my new masks, the hair on them are a bit dissapointing. The H9 Madman I bought from michael_myers1989 needs something, but I can’t tell. The hair looks awkward and the paint job makes it look like gray and skin tone were mixed rather than “weathered”. My “Phantom” is my favorite, but I’m not sure which movie it’s suppose to represent. The face looks like a mix between H1 and H6, but with a H20 style hair. And finally, my Psychopath H2’s hair has areas where you can tell how it was glued. Although it’s styled the way I like, the hair itself isn’t very likable.
So, could anyone here help restyle my masks so they’re that much more greater than they were? I really want the closest kind of hair that were used in the film they represent. I’ll get some pictures up for each mask. Oh, and thanks to Rampageof78 for posting about “Bloody Scab” over in a different topic. I’ll have to go buy some for my Psychopath H2.
H9 MADMAN -Flash made this mask more white than it really is
Psychopath H2