anyone want to see the new ghastly 81?

well here he is .this is the proto and its realy big.for a 25 inch head or more.i will snap some costume shots when i get the smaller copy molds done…tommy




Looks great Tommy! Reminds me of when michael turns to stab loomis at the end. Great job :wink:

tommy your masks always look good, very cool man, i can always tell yours you have a unique style i like

Tommy I love the paintjob mAn

thanks guys.tommy

I really like the finishing on that mask.

Lookin’ good T man!

Looking badass!!!

Pretty nice attempt there Tommy.

thanks alot guys tommy :smiley:

As always you have put out another great looking mask.

Cool mask Tommy, I really like the weathering on it!

thanks guys .

T-man… sweet weathering brudda… :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Very nice redefining Tommy :sunglasses:
Your paint work is awesome just like your hairing :rock:

thanks dudes…tommy

Looks great, my friend. You are getting faster & better with each new piece.

How about bringing back that Loomis that you did a few years ago? :sunglasses:

I agree! :open_mouth: