Hey man, you’re the one who painted the horror icons playing poker, right? The one here…
If so, I was at a convention over the weekend and a guy was selling high-res prints of lots of random horror screen caps and photos. One of which, was a scan (or simple “right click - print”) of your painting. I don’t recall his information, but I could try to find out for you.
If anyone sees this seller at any other convention, I’d non-suspiciously ask for his contact info and pass it on to Colin. I think I snapped a pic of it on his display. I will try to get it posted later…
Hey, thanks, I’ve actually already been informed about that. If you can find out who it is, I’d appreciate it mate. The shitty thing is the only way he could have gotten it large enough to print was by scanning one of the few prints I sold of it.! Chump change but its irksome as hell.
Ah man, that sucks to hear. I know the guy who runs the convention, so I can try getting some info for ya. He was also selling the oldschool b&w fangoria photo of the horror icons around the table. It was very small compared to the posters I’ve seen though. It lost a lot of resolution, as well.
Thanks, its from about 4 years ago, but still seems to be a favourite, I find it on ebay all the time, on clock faces, light switch plates… its mental. lol Ive written a load of warning emails to sellers and they take it down right away. Then another member will do something similar.
Oh man I never knew that…Its a kick ass painting though Colin…There was aguy selling them at Monster mania also…I actually picked one up for 20 bucks…If I had known it was stolen I would have confronted the guy and never bought it…He had several of them because when I bought one he just replaced it with another…Sorry to hear this man
Damn, well they cant be that large or good res. unless it came directly from a print, but again a scan of a print still will degrade the quality.
Would love to have a talk with this dude. IF anyone finds out let me know
there was a guy at a hh show who was selling this and a bunch of art by mark stuff that he printed off. he was selling them for 10-30 bucks depending on the size .i watched his table for a while he made at least 230 bucks just why i was watching .this sucks its as bad as recasting…tommy
hey tommy, was the guy also selling movie themed patches, stickers, and fuex parking passes? (batmobile, jurassic park, cyberdyne, etc?) he even had some replica wonka bars…
I have always loved this piece Colin, it has been saved on my computer for AGES. This painting along with a couple of your Franks and some portraits are among my favorites. Hate to see someone else profiting from your talent and work, off with his head!!