For the most part I’ve got the answers I need, but I’m having trouble telling which all NAG masks are descendent from the 98 Proto or 75K’s. I’ve got the 75k (old mold, new mold, castle, supreme) , I’ve got the Proto mold (test mold, normal mold). Are there any I’m missing there? Any help is much appreciated! !
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It was actually proven that 75K indeed came from 98 Proto Kirk he owns. For years he claimed 75k was original ground sculpt, but that was not the case. Not to take anything away from Nik, he is amazing artist but yeah 75k and variants are from 98 Proto.
Yeah I know the 75K’s were, but like any other masks? H4 cover, or any other masks he makes?
Agreed he’s a phenomenal artist though!
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So does the 98 proto derived from an original Kirk?
So many rumors as to where the " Proto 98 " came from. One rumor is how a 75kirk was laser scanned in order to make the 98 Kirk/ proto. I spoke with Kathy Tharp ( former Don Post employee ), and she said, well here’s her exact quote,
" Neither of us were in the shop when the Kirk was scanned for that project, but we believe it is correct".