Best Cheap Coveralls?

So it’s a tad late for halloween this year, so I’m planning on getting a Myers getup ready for next year. I don’t have any pieces, I’ll probably have a fairly decent budget (Best mask possible is highest priority) and I’m going for a Halloween 1 or 2, or maybe the new one? Problem is, almost all of the coveralls I’ve been looking at are fairly expensive. I’m not overly concerned with getting something that looks exactly right. Anyone know of something?

Reeds from eBay are pretty good. Charcoal or green. Both can do h1 or h2. Here are my charcoal reeds. They have a good h1 color and look

Thanks! They look perfect, but I happen to live in Canada. Shipping is listed as over $50

Your best bet is to order a pair from they have all kinds of brands of coveralls on there online store. Then set it as store pick up to the closet Walmart near you.

Hope this helps out!
