Best H2 mask?

Looking to purchase the best H2 masked based off the one Dick Warlock wore in H2. Any leads? Thanks guys and gals!

There’s a lot to choose from honestly. I don’t know what your price range is but the NAG 75k done up H2 style, NAG The Shape 81, H2SM from Rowland Kelley, and the CGP Warlock are all good options. The NAG’s are more expensive and a tad more screen accurate while the other two are on the cheaper side for indy masks

Awesome, thank you!

How do I contact the guy that makes the H2SM? I couldnt find a website for him.

Look for Rowland Kelley on Facebook. He runs Death Row Masks through his facebook. Just shoot him a message

Seconding Rowland’s H2SM. Here’s mine

It’s Rowland Kelly here, I’ll be doing more h2sms in the new year. Unfortunately I’m working on my current orders (15) left. I can’t realistically take on more. Or I’d be strung up and quarted by current customers lol. But contact me in the new year. I’ll be making my own masks fully completed no money up front. I’ll do six of em each for whomever wants one. I can take a small reservation fee for you if you want one. I’ll inform you when it’s complete and can pay for the whole ball of wax then

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In my opinion, the best H2 Mask is a Ken Hertlein Ultimate or a Ken Hertlein DW or Ken Hertlein SLE overhauled by James Carter. I see the most H2 in those masks. But these are of course, super expensive.

The bang for your buck is going to be Rowland Kelly’s H2SM. A Creep H2 is great, but those tend to fetch over $300.

You can have any direct Kirk lineage blank and send it to your artist of choice to give it the H2 you want. :slight_smile:

I still don’t think anything as-is holds a candle to the CGP Warlock. Best H2 hands down. It doesn’t need to be stuffed a certain way for an H2 look, it already accomplishes that fantastically by itself. Even the KHU needs playing around with to look anything close to the Warlock appearance and I personally think it’s massively overrated anyway. There’s at LEAST 5 better H2’s out there than the KHU, IMO.


Damn. Right in the feels :frowning:

Don’t get me wrong. Great mask. I just think it actually looks more like Shatner himself than the original did (The hero was noted for not even looking much like Shatner in the first place) and needs a lot of work to pull off the H2 appearance. Whereas some others do it effortlessly.

For h2s I personally like the nag 98 proto and the 75k old mold the most from nag. From nightowl the creep makes a good h2. The h2sm is a great choice as others have mentioned as well. The Cgp Warlock is always the obvious suggestion. I personally prefer masks that can pull of both h1 and h2 as they were after all the same mask. Here are a few examples of my choices from my collection. Nag 75k old mold H2 by James Carter

H2SM this copy was done by Benn7

There’s plenty of pics out there but the Cgp Warlock on the left here.

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