Best way to display a mask and take care of it

I was reading around the forum since there are already tons of threads about it, but with so many different opinions and mixed thoughts, I’m about to order a paper roll holder on Amazon, but do you guys really recommend placing a styrofoam ball/head on the holder? or is it just ok to place the mask on the top of the holder protected with one or 2 plastic bags wrapped inside the mask? I was wondering if keeping the mask just hung on the top of the holder might warp and stretch the mask a bit at the point of contact with the holder, so what do you guys recommend in order to display the mask presering the best shape?

Thick plastic bags do the job here for me. Most of my masks sit on those holders protected by Walgreens bags.

However, with NAG, since the latex is medical-grade, it might be better to order an actual mask stand to stuff it with. I have one of KreationX’s stands awaiting my Castle.

Yeah I’m waiting for a NAG, but I’m not in the US so not so many options for actual mask stands here

What I do for my H2SM is I bought an 11" styrofoam head, bashed it onto a paper towel stand, and put a black cloth mask over the head, then put the latex mask on. Then from there, I stuffed it with cotton balls. That should do the trick for you in that situation.

yeah I’m not an expert but to me a Styrofoam head is the ideal for a mask, not sure why some people recommend against it, if the head is well wrapped with plastic bags it shouldn’t hurt the NAG latex

two reasons, a styro head is usually small(ish) so the mask can droop on the head.

the other reason is some people don’t wrap the head in anything, and the stryo can react with the latex and mess it up.

I’m cheap, I still use soda/juice/wine/whatever bottles, stuff the mask with a bunch of plastic bags and stick it on the bottle.

My masks are about 50/50, half of them on styro heads wrapped in plastic, and half of them are stuffed with bags on a weighted bottle. (half full of water with a couple drops of bleach (to keep the water from getting stagnant.))

a Glass bottle wrapped in thick plastic bags sounds good and cheap, I’ll keep that as an option :wink:

I like to use glass vases for my myers!

I use the heads but put over black winter beanie hats over the head first. This alone usually enough to keep the mask in okay shape, and to blacken out the eye area. For some masks that may have a little extra room I just stuff bags or anything I may have up into it avoiding the eye holes to shape or maintain shape if needed but most my masks sit well and hold form with just the beanie.

A wrapped styrofoam head planted on a paper holder might be another good solution, might open up a survey soon

I’ve been actually thinking about getting a couple of KreationX stands. Just curious, what is the top/dome made of? Curious if it’s Styrofoam or not because I heard it ruins latex and I really don’t want that happening with my stuff. Post pics of it if you can because if it’s a good material that won’t ruin latex I may just order some.

I’ve heard people say Styrofoam, bags, stands, mannequin heads, wooden stands, etc. But, I’ve also heard people say be careful with Styrofoam because it can ruin latex. So, this is a good topic for me to read and learn, too.

Go to any craft store ac Moore, Michaels, hobby lobby etc. Buy a round wood base for $2.50. Buy a 3/4 or 1 inch by 48 inch dal rod for about $5. Go to dollar store buy a 4 pack of plastic bowls for $1. Cut the dal to length u want. Can usually get 3 or 4 stands out of one rod. Screw the bowl to the top and screw the bottom to the base. Spray matte black and your done.

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Same plastic as the rest of the stand.

This is something I found in the forums a while back. I think it’s great help!

“Here’s a pm that I saved when I first joined this site in 2009 sent to me by respected member Caesar015 , explaining mask care in great detail. It’s my bible on mask care.”

“Well you just about got the main basics bud…You dont have to stress mask care to the extreme but you cant slack in the area to much either if that makes sense…It really depends on how you are displaying your mask…Latex today is very strong compared to latex used in the older days…If cared for properly they can last a life time…I have experineced every mask disaster there is from every element that cause a mask to break down…Ive experienced everything from Melting to oxidation…Discoloring to warping…Cracking to mask rust…The absolute best way to protect any mask is throw it behind glass…A case of some kind that does not allow air to seep through is 100% the best protection…If you are displaying them on stands out in the open like on a shelf or something then you do need to keep them dust free…When I have mine this way I wipe them down once or twice a week…Ive found that Dust is one of the worst elements for a mask…Dust can settle in the mask and not only discolor them causing mask rust but they it speeds up the break down down process…Sunlight is Horrible for mask…Keep them out of direct sunlight or any kind of UV light…The heat and UV rays can cause them to dry out, crack, break down and warp…Warping is when the mask starts to loose its shape…So keeping them cool is something that must be done also…One of the worst enemies for latex is oxidation…Once a mask starts to oxidate there is uterly nothing you can do to reverse it and its only a matter of time before the mask breaks down completely…Oxidation is caused by Air and mainly moisture…This is why you have to wipe down the inside of your mask after each use and powder them…Moisture is very bad for latex…But when you wipe them down the cloth or paper towel must be very very damp…I always wipe them down, then dry them to make sure its completely dry, then powder them with corn starch…And make sure you get the nose and mouth area very well…The first signs of oxidation is yellowing of the mask…But yellowing doesnt always mean the mask is suffering from oxidation either…Yellowing can also be caused by a bad mix in paints and Dust…Another sign of oxidation is the mask drying and cracking…These are very clear signs but you really have to treat your mask horrible for this to take place…When stuffing them always use plastic bags as other material like news paper have inks in them that interact with the latex and can be very bad for them…The stuffing also helps hold their shape…When they are on stands you can also put a plastic bag over top of them if you dont mind them not to be seen…You dont have to go that far if you wipe them down once or twice a week…I use a feather duster as they are soft and work very well…Some people will suggest to use a damp rag but I dont like that idea because you are putting moisture on the mask…You should only have to wipe the outside down with a damp rag if the dust has built up quite a bit…when you dust them you will see a difference as they will loook cleaner…Also the less you handle a mask the better…Its best to only wear them on the Main Night :Halloween” LoL… or for costume pics on occasion…Dirt and finger oils can speed up the break down process also…Some members go as far as using latex gloves when handling their mask…Im guilty of it myself but I dont anymore…I dont think thats neccesary if you care for them properly…

I dont want to scare you in thinking you have to be on this like crazy or you will loose your mask in a few months because that isnt the case bro…This is just a more in depth look into mask care…Like I said latex these days is strong and can last forever with a little proper care…

-Keep them out of sunlight
-Keep them cool
-Wipe down the inside and powder after each use
-Dust 1 or 2 times a week with a feather duster
-Keep them stuffed with plastic bags on a stand to maintain their shape

Do that and your mask will last you a life time…But in a case Like from “Quiet on the set” or Amyd you never have to worry about those dangerous elements like dust, air and moisture…That is the safest way to keep a prized piece protected…But even in a case you cant put them in direct sunlight or in a hot place…If they area very hot place that case becomes a Hot box and the mask will warp…Back in the day I used to put my mask on my closet shelf…One day I came to get it only to find it had melted right to my shelf and it made an awefull sticky mess…It just got way too hot in there…A few years back I went to a convention during the summer and Had a red october In a box in my trunk…When I got their and pulled it out it was badly warped and lost its shape…So heat can be bad…Some members wont stress that but I do because I experienced it first hand several times…I havent had a problem in a very long time…So if you do the basics my man you will be fine…Dont worry about it too much but dont underestimate these elements either…Hope this gives you a better understanding and some what makes sense LoL…Later H"

Thank you for reposting this, always comes handy, I’m gonna grab a Detolf soon from Ikea, but as for the heat, they’ve already foreseen a damn hot and muggy summer here, I’ll surely place the Detolf on the first floor and far from direct sunlight, but it’s gonna be hot just the same, perhaps there’s a product that could help keeping the mask cool to be placed inside the Detolf’s lodge?

Another thing, where do you buy the cornstarch? the only cornstarch I could find here is in the pudding and sweets shelf

So, it’ll be safe to use on latex and won’t ruin it? I’m glad I stumbled upon your comment on you owning one because I’ve been wanting to get a few, but was curious to know what the dome/top was made of and if it would be safe for latex. I have some shelves I’m going to put in my bedroom and make a little shrine for my horror stuff, so I’ve been wanting to get some stands and such together.

Yep, perfectly safe.

Cool! Thanks so much for the info! I plan on ordering some now that I have that info.

Are you guys familiar with this Argo cornstarch?