Big Mac Fisher Stripe Grey Coveralls NOS Found

Just bought a pair of Big Mac fisher stripe grey coveralls 46R brand new for $59.00 + free shipping!! With the new TOTS H4 mask coming out this year I’m already thinking ahead to Halloween!! ONLY 9 months away! :laughing:

Awesome! I heard to weather them you just need to get black spray paint and lightly spray them until you get the desired look.

Thanks for the info! Will deff give it a shot!

You and I are doing the same exact costume lol. I just got done looking at burn makeup FX kits for my hands.

Yes!! I was thinking about the burn/scar effect to. Do you have the Big Macs??

Her’s a pic of my H4 costume as is at the moment. The Big Macs after about 6 washings. Now just waiting 7 months for the mask! But I always liked the H4 Myers . The coveralls remind me when I saw the mechanics wearing the style when I was a kid. There is something about the fisher stripes i always loved.