Big mail day! Post your recent scores

FordFX Dreamer, pt 5 and remake hocks, se7ensins H40 rehaul and a vintage poulan 306a! All second hand courtesy of General_clown and Stephen Flaherty (chainsaw was off ebay). Big scores this week for me let’s see some of y’alls finds!

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Montgomery Ward Powerhouse coveralls

Not my copy but some great reference photos from my buddy Caleb. 75k Castle en route and hopefully finished by James this month. Can’t wait :rock:

My last big score: Loper Nightmare…

ToTS H40 and Shallow Grave FX M4levolence, both finished by Bill Blake

Love the color on those!

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Nice! Need to get a syringe myself

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Cant wait to see how that turns out!

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Such a great mask, almost bought it myself if I had the funds at the time. Glad it went to a good home!

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Bill does some great work! I have his first Kirk conversion and he also did my first h40! He doesn’t get enough credit IMO

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Hall knife.jpg
Hall knife stamp.jpg
Pre-Sabatier “Alacroix” chef knife, I blind bought it off ebay i thought it would be an 11.5" blade.
Open the mail today the blade alone is 14.5" :open_mouth:
Soaked in a vinegar bath today, stripped off 85-90% of the rust and scrubbed it with a soapy blue SOS pad.
I can take some before and after pics after i clean up the edge and maybe refinish the handle

  • Aaron

:myers: Ryan T from SLFX, just came in the mail today :rock:




Are those the famous grey coveralls a member bought off ebay and posted here?

  • Aaron

No… these are my own pair. :smiley:

You luck dog ! even in the proper color too Im so jealous

Ryan T h40

That Dreamer is great. If I ever own an RZ, that’s the look I’m going for.


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My Jc 98 proto, loper shape 78, loper h4 hero, slfx h40 and drm h2sm