First package today was two knives from Michael Lubatti Studios, both of which are production #1s! H1 replica (with Nichols Hardware tag) and an Elrod knife The quality is outstanding and I feel perfectly safe hitting them against something. They’re made from PVC, wood for the handles, and metal rivets. Michael was wonderful to work with and I highly recommend not only his knives but his mask work as well!
Now, the guy I’ve been waiting 3 months for: my NAG 75k Castle. I ordered him Feb 24 and he arrived from Greece yesterday (I send packages to my gf’s office because we have a package thief at the apartment facility) and finally got him in my hands today. This is…wow. Exactly what I was wanting. The mask is a touch big but nothing unbearable and that can’t be fixed. Many costume photos tonight
Those knives look great! And of course the mask is fantastic! What size does your head measure and what size is the mask? I think it fits you just fine
Thanks all! Here’s some costume shots It’s definitely bigger than I like, but I like my masks snug. I do plan to order direct from Nikos again but I’ll be getting a 23".