Billy Wayne Walls?

Any of you guys on Facebook heard from this character? This guy’s a riot, he shows me a screen capture of H4 and says it’s him and that his sister took the pic in his bedroom. And before that he sends me a pic of an HSS H4 saying it is his “screenused” mask. This is hilarious…

Yeah Ron posted something about this guy a while back…Its pretty funny

Yeah he said he was a stunt guy in H4 but in an online interview he was quoted as saying he was born 4 months before H4 was released. I posted the kink to the interview on here a while back, It’s pretty strange. He was a member on Cryptshow but he started making so many false claims and was getting some people a bit miffed so I had to ban him. I found the complete list of stunt men that worked on the film and I posted it at the Crypt, Billy Wayne Walls was not on the list…

Maybe the guy’s a lunatic. :laughing:

Oh he is certainly not playing with 52 cards, that’s for sure. Here is a link to the interview with him, You will see really quick that this guy is not all there.

matt , do you have a link for his facebook?

Here it is, he pestures me all the time but I just ignore him


i added him a while ago,he hasnt bothered me yet :laughing:

Holy crap!! This guy really Is a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket, lol.
Kinda scary to know people like that walk among us everyday.


Sounds crazy. We all like myers but i think this guy’s taking it a little too far. I wonder if he’s a member on here

I am Billy Wayne Walls.

HE said the same thing…

Wack JOB!

This reminds me of the time that Carpenter was talking during an interview about an obsessed fan calling his production company and asking to speak with Michael Myers. The secretary told the caller there wasn’t a real Michael Myers and the caller said “Yeah, the one they made the movie about…Halloween.”

I can see why Carpenter really dosen’t do conventions.

But those type of fans are few and far between…

I just messseaged him asking him what scene he played in and he said the one where myers is on top of the truck

Told ya, he is WAY WAY OuT THERE!

Actually, no. There are MANY upon MANY out there living in the dream world of films. Friday the 13th also has wackos along with Elm Street but Halloween, I would say has the most.

In Akkads tribute on Halloweenmovies after he died, a fan told the Akkad estate to send ‘Micheal Myers’ overseas to get the people who did this…he was serious but failed to realize!
A-The terrorist died in the act.
B-Micheal Myers is a fictional character.

I just asked him to send me a pic of the coveralls and mask he has from the movie and he says NO PRIVATE!!

Of course he did. He finally posted a mask on cryptshow after many members were poking at him and it was an HSS H4 mask