BLAST FROM THE PAST! These two very special masks were screen used in the early Frank Palangi fan films HalloweeN 9: Blood of Michael Myers (2006) and HalloweeN: Retribution (2007)!

The mask on the left is what I believe to be one of the early 90s runs of the Don Post Studios “The Mask” made in China. It was used in the opening of HalloweeN 9: Blood of Michael Myers (2006) and as you can see, the mask has seen better days. The mask had sat in a plastic bag folded in half for years and ended up melting together. I acquired this mask from Frank about a year ago and it was signed upon my request. Shortly after it’s arrival, I began a partial restoration. The mask was very very weak and droopy so I used a Myers blank I had around and joined the two masks together. This really helped give it “the shape” that it needed :sweat_smile: I wanted to keep everything as original as possible so instead of completely repainting the mask and trying to make it look new, I decided to match the rotting with the new parts of the mask and this is the end result! I’m very happy with how it turned out and I’m so grateful to have this mask in my collection!

The mask on the right is a classic Samhain converted into a Rob Zombie Michael Myers mask. I’m not sure who was producing the Samhain at the time but, judging from the style of the scarring, I believe “maskmaniac” on YouTube ( at least converted this particular mask. He was converting existing H1 Myers masks into Rob Zombie Myers masks in anticipation of the upcoming film and I watched the hell out of those videos and always wanted one! Now, if I’m correct, I finally do own one! And this particular copy was used in the film HalloweeN: Retribution (2007).

Sure, these aren’t studio production screen used pieces and most wouldn’t consider them to be anything special. But, I’ve always had a special love and appreciation for fan films because I grew up making my own and I loved seeing what other fans could bring to the table! The quality of Frank’s early films mirrored the efforts of my brother and I almost to a T so I was really drawn to them. It just felt like a group of kids having fun and doing their best with a very limited budget to create something cool. And for those reasons, Frank’s early films will forever hold a special place in my heart along with these two amazing masks that will remain in my HalloweeN fan film collection until the end of my days. Thanks for looking!


Not a RZ H1 or 2 fan at all but I do like the look of that one on the left. Very cool bud :drinkers:

Thank you Caleb! :drinkers:

Very interesting read. Ty for sharing. Cool indy film masks. I’ve seen a few Indy Film Masks I thought would look awesome as hell in my collection.

These are really awesome pieces, I’ve always had an appreciation for fan films as well, I used to love watching them back in the late 2000s, they always have a great charm. Fans getting together and making something inspired by a franchise they love is always special to me.

That converted Samhain has a really unique look to it, really nice pieces.

Thank you! The earlier fan films do have a great charm to them! My favorite of all time is for sure the 1996 fan film HalloweeN: The Death of Michael Myers (the Darren Jones AKA strangerathome version). Such a great fan film.

No problem! And thank you!