Nice mask bramabull71! That is a real beauty. A UL75 retool that has an angry look to it. I came close to ordering one of these from David years ago but unfortunately never went through with it.
It was a different time back then tho…had so many choices…H78 and Psycho were top dogs…JC was coming into his own…AHG was the goto conversion guy…and so many different variations of masks at affordable prices…it was a good time to be a Myers Mask collector!
JITB had some great cheaper masks. It was a good time to be a collector. we had nightowl, CGP, JITB, boogeymanmasks , MMP before they went to crap. I’m sure I am forgetting some but I know I had at least one from everyone. I had a Whitey too from Lee Romaire and a second stab.
JC was doing don post conversions on ebay and they looked GREAT if you guys remember.
Going back there…before all the bullshit… So many different mask threads…the forum was always packed. …really dug bullshitting with Donnie about masks…Todd with his killer photo’s!..goodtimes brother