My bud Rob sent me this Killing Machine for a repaint. It was turning yellow and had some white spots on it… the hair was pretty much blonde w/ some light brown when I got it. I dyed it a bit darker for accuracy. I left the eyes, hairline, and everything else as it was. This is a fairly new paint scheme for me. I’d like to give credit to AHG for the tips he gave me a long time ago on paintwork. I never tried painting a mask flesh first and then painting and weathering, but it worked out well. The extra time paid off. Hope you guys dig it!

BEFORE/AFTER - before on the right (obviously lol)

That looks a million times better. Great work, Chad.
Turned out awesome chad.I always base coat with flesh and then lay down white on h1s and h2s.
The hair on that thing looks awesome!
The hair does look perfect man.
Thanks a million Chad. First time anybody has done a conversion for me and man I surely hope this guy gets some business. He went out of his way in every respect for someone new. Truely a class act guy on this site. I will post when I get it to Chad
I can barely even tell it’s the same mask. It looks worlds better Chad. Nice to see an oldie like the KM brought back to life.
Badass paintup man. Excellently done! 
same here chad!Great work!
major improvement .that is awesome,great work.
Not bad looking at all for a Killing Machine. 
Not bad at all, MUCH better! I like the weathering on it! 
I’m just now checking this thread again… thanks for all the comments guys!
It is fun to work on an older classic like the KM… somethin new for the ol portfolio.
KM was the first higher end MM mask i owned. Bought in 2005. My first non don post MM mask. It reminds me of when i first started here
Great re do chad!