This is from Ryan Turek’s instagram. It’s a shot of him wearing the mask on set. Looks to be from the Smith Grove scenes at the beginning of the movie
I like how the neck isn’t trimmed.
I just fucking love this new mask! I liked the film alot, but the mask is definitely the best part
So is there a trimmed neck on certain masks??
Looks good even in daylight
I love the new mask, didn’t at first but it grew on me. But still not convinced it’s this mask 40 years later, maybe has a warlock look at times but I can’t see the castle look, at least to me.
To 99.9% of the world it looks like Michael Myers and that’s all that really matters. I def get a shat vibe in certain shots
100% True. It’s griwn on me and i see Myers when seeing the mask. I didn’t at first and it irritated me
I love the new mask, didn’t at first but it grew on me. But still not convinced it’s this mask 40 years later, maybe has a warlock look at times but I can’t see the castle look, at least to me.
There is a few shots when Michael is looking for the Strode’s hiding in the basement where the mask looks just like the Castle stretch
I love the new mask, didn’t at first but it grew on me. But still not convinced it’s this mask 40 years later, maybe has a warlock look at times but I can’t see the castle look, at least to me.
There is a few shots when Michael is looking for the Strode’s hiding in the basement where the mask looks just like the Castle stretch
Yeah, once this comes out on bluray I’m sure we’ll all geek out on looking over how the mask looks at various points in the film
The mask was great. Honestly. There is a change in the nose and lips from the H1 hero. But it is the closest any sequel mask has come. H2 utilized the actual H1 masks, but every other movie had masks that really looked nothing like the original.