Aint got shit on michael!
Michael Myers vs Busta Rhymes…REMATCH!
y chung lee
Nice Russ!
hahaha awesome!!!
so this is why Ronnie in RZ’s H1 was all fucked up in the beginning of the movie, its all making sense now haha
Oh christ…
Thats hilarious man! REMATCH!!!
“HEY MIKEY!!! come and see me!!! wwwwhhhaaaaaaa”
what size is that mask and is it a Psycho?
its a smaller mask, Its not a psycho but a Mint 75
“Man, That’s funny shit right there!”
-Sweet Daddy Dee, a better playa than Busta Rymes
Nice pics. But couldn’t you have made your bed beforehand?
Na Im gonna sleep in it anyway lol