Camel vs. Alpaca Hair, can anyone tell me what is better to use on an Nag/H78. If this has been discussed please direct me to the right place, and if so I apologize for starting this thread. Thanks.
forget both, go with mohair man, mohair is more h1 accurate than both alpaca or camel, but if i had to choose between them 2, it would be alpaca bro, Z
Personally, I prefer to let Nik hair it himself w/ whatever I refer to as “Kirk hair.” My wife, oldest daughter, & I agree that this is the best hair yet & requires VERY LITTLE tweaking to get it in the right Shape. Plus, Nik’s hairing jobs are spot on (Also, just another opinion
Camel is stiffer than Alpaca. Alpaca is also usually darker in color. Out of those two I’d use Alpaca for sure on an H78.
Thanks everyone. Does Nik offer Mohair,and if so would this be better than Alpaca hair? I am going to have Mike @ AHG do the weathering and whatever else he is going to do to it.