Look for some info on my mask
Appears to be a NAG 75K signed by Nick Castle. Nice
The mask itself was apparently made by a guy named Nikolas in Greece, while the paint, etc., was maybe done by someone else, perhaps someone named Mark Walton? The fact that someone chose to have such a mask autographed by Nick Castle seems to me indicative of poor judgment, as a simple Trick Or Treat Studios mass produced mask would work perfectly fine for that. I understand how iconic the mask is, but I’d prefer to have a kitchen knife of the same or a similar model to the one from the movie autographed by him myself.
Yeah, that’s an interesting problem to have. I’m a serious guitar collector and have turned down guitars signed by famous artists because the guitar is bigger than a signature on it.
The mask is a NAG 75K, finished by AHG, to replicate the movie stunt mask.