Can someone identify this Myers mask

I’ve been trying to figure out which Myers mask is being worn. Looks like an 86 don post but not :100: percent [i[i ![098D1B3D-27AE-4E42-ABC6-0C4B80943486.jpeg|930x555](upload://klYbDh9Mcq6uqExRacCkcx1k7hw.jpeg)

Where is this pic from and Is he being interviewed? Lol :laughing:

Its Michael Jackson :slight_smile:


I see a mix of Josh Hartnet, Michael Jackson, & Myers :laughing:

Thanks it is Buckethead. While some Myers fans collect masks from the movie Halloween I collect the ones buckethead has worn . There’s quite a few

I absolutely love Bucketheads work… hes my second favourite guitarist.

Looks a bit like a Rubies H1


Buckethead wore an 85 or 86 DP. Not sure which one exactly but it was for sure one of em.

Looks like the Don posts they sold around 2005 at like party city for 30 bucks… The worst, lol

That was my first thought, too.