Can we please bring back the old format?

Mods… Just saying. This new format in my opinion killed an already dying fourm


Agreed. Please go back to the original setting. This new format is awful.


I totally agree. Way too much going on here. Old format was just right. It worked for all categories. In my opinion


The previous forum was on an old platform that kept getting hacked and viruses. This was necessary to keep the forum going as it is much more protected from those kinds of issues

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It was the old platform that was weak, not the actual appearance of the forum. The complaints are that the forum functions and looks so differently that it’s putting people off coming on, and I include myself in that.

I personally hate the new layout of the forum and have drastically reduced the already small amount of time I would spend here due to that exact reason.


Yeah the old format was so much better. This new one is awful

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Yea it’s trash site now

The lack of response to overwhelming feedback comes off as tone deaf.

This forum has been a pillar of this fandom for 20 plus years. Mark my words, the activity here will completely fizzle out if something isn’t done about the forum.

It has completely killed my interest in returning. I’ve already voiced this to Derek and others. Unfortunately it seems the staff are intent on continuing forward with this, even if it means turning off all active members.

And at that point, I ask what’s the point? If you want the website to thrive, it seems to me that you would take feedback like this very seriously.

The new format is atrocious. It really is. And that is not a negative statement or an attack on the staff. It’s subjective opinion, and it seems like the overwhelming majority feel the same way.

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I agree. I hardly come here anymore and i used to visit daily.
A lot of older members that provided great content are no longer here it seems.

I did prefer the previous format but I’ll navigate as best can be. I’m not sure however its the most…easily navigable at times.

I came back consistently last year after being off 10yrs. Once this changed over I hadn’t signed back in sense it started. I’m not a fan

Yeah please
Where is the for sale stuff now???
I am so LOST

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Really miss the old format too :sleepy:

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I mean where the heck is Caleb Croft at???
That guy WAS this board and he’s MIA?

Is there another board where everyone’s going?

Probably the Halloween Portal message board when it finally opens.

But yeah, where are all the mods?

im with you guys this is so hard to navigate ona laptop, it took me how long to find the reply button

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Yup. This new setup is far to hard to navigate

Yea im not computer or tech guy so its extremely difficult to navigate for me

No way it was “necessary” to turn this forum into something with a terrible format that literally no other message forum I’ve seen has. After logging in today for the first time in a while, I don’t see actually coming back as this format is just one gigantic headache to navigate. No pages per thread so you have to just keep scrolling to sift through literally hundreds if not thousands of posts? No real organization of categories? This strikes me as something ancient, yet message forums were never this primitive.

It’s like went from a standard upper middle class house into a poorhouse.

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Yeah this format blows. Believe me I know a thing or two about the subject.