Can't we all just get along? Forgive and forget?

What’s up with the banners and all the hate around here?

i’ve been think’in the same thing bro there’s a lot of talk behide back’s and disrespect here why; i don’t know i have no problem’s with any member here and if any member has a problem with me being a member here well that’s tough shit, i’m not leaving my advice is just ignore them. :confused:

Looks like I missed seeing all these banners & I’m glad. I don’t have a problem with a single member here - including the MANY who do have a problem with me. I’ve got nothing but Love & Respect for my fellow horror-geeks :supz:

the links dont work
i would like to know what is going on here
why so much hate towards nik and all the rest i missed a couple of days, and now i see there is almost a war going on
if somone could send me a pm on the subject i would really apreciate it

thanks in advance

man jonathan its almost too much to catch you up on bud, just be glad you missed it! and besides that its all a bunch of B.S anyway. obserd accusations without a shread of evidence basically.
and yes STi! i would love it if we could all be like rodney king and all just get along :stuck_out_tongue: i dont dislike anyone here, afew get on my nerves from time to time because they dont know when to let a sleeping dog lay so to speak. but outside of that i have no problem with any member or mask maker. i heard terrible things about MMP and i suppose they are true but you know what? Gary sent me my mask that i ordered from him and took about 3 weeks, so i cant even say anything bad and Mask Maker Productions and they’ve been under the rock around here since before i arrived. go figure.

I say just leave it dead

No MMP started a trend thats for sure bud…They took alot of peoples money and disapeared…Then resurfaced on myspace some time later…There are dozens of people out there that never got a thing and are still owed till this day…It took me 3 yrs to get a mask from them only after finding them on myspace and threatening legal action…Just consider yourself one of the lucks ones my friend…What you have heard about them is true…Later man

yeah Curtis so ive heard man :open_mouth: i do consider myself lucky especially after i joined up here and heard about there escapade. im sorry to hear about them running alot of folks through the cleaners but im glad you eventually got your mask. thats pretty ironic after 3 years!
even through all the MMP B.S did you ever see anyone on here back then with an “Anti-MMP banner” :laughing:

There was no need for an anti-MMP banner, because people could openly discuss it.

These threads do not exist Bro

Absurd accusations without a shred of evidence?! I’ve got evidence, Stan’s got evidence (surely a few others do too) all of which was reported to the mods, and even derek, without any substantial consequences. Now ask yourself, why? :unamused:

You keep defending nik, even when you don’t know the full story. THAT’S ABSURD! But you know what, keep being just another sheep, keep following the herd. Have at it. I, on the other hand, refuse.

I thought the mods here told everyone to stop with the anti nag banners, what are you doing joekerr? Maybe you missed the thread…here you go

dude come forward with the evidence then. alls we have is rumors. you cant call peeople absurd cause they dsont know the full story when you people with evidence dont tell people the full story

Come on guys, let’s not start this stuff up again. PLEASE!!!


If there is clear evidence, please post it for all to see. Otherwise, it makes no sense to make claims. I thought all of this was over.
For starters. The “slander” and accusations made by Nik on this thread. Nothing is said to him about that.
The PMs I have from Nik calling members of this board racists, thats “slander”
Again, name calling BS…by why does Nik go unpunished?