Castle 75k VS NO Creep 2018 Final showdown (need your help here)

So Xmas has come, Niko is supposed to be back to work soon, and Justin finally answered me giving me all the info I needed, time to place the order now, so which one should I get as my first H1 mask ever? it’s a hard battle here, as you probably know I got into the hobby just last september, it’s been almost 4 months of looking at pictures, asking for infos and comparing and studying all the most sought after models, bringing me to pick the 2 aforementioned replicas as the 2 finalists here. I think I learned a lot in these 4 months, but perhaps I just learned nothing, unfortunately browsing pictures and reading the forum only give you an idead on how things really work, but here’s the idea I got about the 2 masks, the pros and cons they seem to have just by looking at the available online pictures/videos.

  • Castle 75k

Pros: looks pretty screen accurate, fits larger heads (seen 25" size fitting good on people), the design is very elaborated and material seems top notch, replicas seem to be consistent, and Niko is very well known to be a reliable professional.

Cons: might need a rehauled from JC/Loper to look like the real thing, and when they get rehauled they all seem to be reminiscent to The Creep for what I could see.

  • Creep

Pros: Looks very screen accurate just out of the box without the need to send it to JC/Loper, in most pictures it really screams H78 for just 325 bucks with no more add ons.

Cons: mask seems less elaborated and more simplistic, material also seems cheaper (very rubberish), never seen how a large size looks on anyone (Except on Future Reference but that’s a converted Shat, possbily fits the same since it’s the same sculpt), replicas seem to be unconsistent, some look awesome, others just good, and Justin is rather very slow at communicating (nothing to do with the quality of the mask but still a drawback).

What do you guys think? let me know if I missed something or simply didn’t get it right, just add or subtrack some points in case my analysis is not complete or correct.

Def the Castle 75K. Especially for me, i think it’s the most accurate.
I been waiting for my chance to get on the line for one this whole time.
As for JC, I tried to contact him on facebook and on here for a re-haul but he hasn’t responded. Apparently he’s backed up on orders for a few years so he’s not taking any (wish i knew prior…)
Freddy seems the likely choice now but I am unfamiliar with him, I know he has a usual wait time though.

I see you already plan to have it painted by JC, well that’ll surely look awesome, my comparison though was between the two stock masks for those who have a lesser budget and don’t wanna bother bounce the mask from sculptist to painter and finally to yourself, not sure if the Castle painted by Niko looks more accurate than the Creep, seems otherwise to me, though the Nag seems to be better quality material wise

As far as buying directly from an artist, I would go for the Creep. Better paint and hair. The latex quality is good from both artists (I’ve had both masks), but Nightowl masks feel a bit more professional. You can ask him to do it as you’d like (darkened blonde hair, fleshy neck,…).

You can also buy an NAG 75k blank and have someone like Jimmy Falco finish it? He’s not nearly as backed up as JC.

Thank you for your reply, yeah Justin told me yesterday he nowdays puts either dark hair or blonde (no camel hair anymore it seems fortunately).
Justin is also a little backed up now but he said the mask will be likely to be done in 8 weeks at least which is not bad at all compared to most artists.

I live in Europe, so receiving from Niko would be cheaper and quicker, but I’m really liking some Creeps I’ve seen in these days, especially the photo dressed as Santa and KAizu’s one (see attachments), these ones really scream the Hero to me, and apparently they are just like this out of the box with no repainting. Shipping overocean is gonna be expensive, so I’d rather do it once and be happy with it.

This is the 75K castle overlaid with the hero, plus another pic.

Here’s one direct from Nikos.

This mask gets my vote all day long ^.

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The one direct from Niko here looks a lot like the H4 cover

That’d be because it’s dead on to the H2 BTS shot here:

That the cover is based off of. The 75 Castle is one hell of a mask.

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You can’t go wrong either way. I’ve owned both and there both amazing. What I do Highly recommend is you send the blank to a artist like Freddy Loper for paint and hair if your really looking for that “next level mask”.

Here’s my H2 Shat and NAG Castle both done by Freddy Loper

It’s all a matter of opinion. I agree with you that every single mask from Nik needs rehauled because he sucks at finishing. And that really stinks because then you have a lot more money into it in the end. But Justin’s Creep sculpt isn’t anywhere close to the accuracy of the Castle 75K. And that’s why I would highly suggest you bite the bullet and grab a Castle 75K. You’ll have more money wrapped up into it. But just like anything else in life… you get what you pay for. Castle 75K hands down for screen accuracy.

nag new mold / old mold / 98 proto / … my 2016 creep was garbage ill never buy a Creep again!

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I now know very well that a Jc or Loper is almost mandatory for turning a Castle into the real thing, but my budget is not that hight, I already exceeded my initial budget which was around 150 and now it’s 400 max, sending the mask to JC/Loper is not an option for me, so if I buy the NAG it’s gonna be with Niko’s painting, which is not as accurate as the Creep it seems to me, but if you guys tell me that it’s overall a better value with better quality I’ll go with the NAg, but if you all agree that The Creep is a better choice in case I don’t plan to have the 75k repainted that means my analysis was correct, that’s what I need to understand better, so whichever I’m gonna buy it’s gonna be stock for good, no extra paint from extra artist. Bear in mind that I’m going to cosplay with it at various Conferences and shows, I’m not gonna stick it in a display glass all year long, so I don’t even think it’s worth to invest almost a thousand for something it’s gonna wear out in the long term.

Just buy both

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :axe:

what size is your castle anyway? 24.5?

The one I have fits me just right and my head is 24.5

To be clear I don’t own either of the ones in the above pictures.

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Accuracy- NAG!

If you have 400… then you’re almost there! Just save up a couple hundred more and there you go. If you end up settling for a Creep because it’s cheaper, you’re going to be disappointed down the road. You’ll be kicking yourself in the a$$ for not waiting a little longer to get the best mask in the hobby. But to each there own. Good luck with your decision.

And for what its worth. I bought my Old Mold 75K from NIk for 300 and sent it to James to be properly finished for another 225. I have a total of 525 into mine. So dude… you’re almost there with 400. :wink:

And what size is the one you had?

It’s gotta he just about 24.5 given how perfectly it fits me.

I definitely recommend one, they’re truly magnificent.

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