I have both, because they are great pieces, period. But in my own opinion. The Castle is better. Better latex, better detailing, and better hair. Mr. Mabry’s sculpt for the Creep is fantastic, but I still have to give this to the Castle.
Yeah it’s a difficult choice, no offense to nik but I dont like his finish and i feel his hair is too blonde. Nothing against him, he’s a great guy and very talented but I’m not a fan of his finishes. With the creep sometimes he has a good finish, and sometimes he doesnt. I might even buy the new mold and save up for a rehaul, this is a really tough decision but I guess I can just sell it if I dont like it.
I’ve always liked the new mold more than the castle for some reason, I need to see more pictures of the old mold to decide if I like the new mold more than the old though. Actually that sounds like a great idea to me, I might just do that actually. I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I might have just made my decision.
Well you may be right, I am currently trying to get my Castle finished by another artist. My point is comparing both products as sent by each artist, imo, Nik does a better job with the paint and finish where Justin’s hair color may be more accurate. But if you grabbed a blank you really can’t go wrong, and I’d be curious to see the finished product, so please keep us posted!
Well talking about Niko’s finish I came across this picture on his page which says Castle 75k H1 Clean, is this an alternative finish? not sure if it’s the picture or anything else but I like this finish better than most I’ve seen that seem to have a mix betwen white and flesh, this one seems scren accurate enough to me, seems whiter with more gloss effect like in the movie, any idea about this?