I SAW IT FIRST. you guys better not buy it, i got first dibs.
OOOOO I’m right on it!
So basically, we’re paying that guy to ship out trash that we have to throw out.
he’s mine, lol
“Its a little brittle and starting to fall apart.”
Yes it is.
what’s sad is, thats how my don post mask looked after 10 years which got me into collecting the good stuff. maybe not all sad because I have some great masks now, but that old one that I converted a bit was my one & only and my pride & joy
Ah its not that bad…It would make a good RZ mask,It has natural Scars and tears …I cant beleive this guy is even trying to sell that thing…It just goes to show new guys to the hobby though…Heat really is bad for a mask…Ive had that happen when I was a kid just getting started when I kept my mask in my closet…Ive had it a few times actually due to heat…Man I think ive experienced every natural disaster that can happen with mask…Dust, heat, oxidation, warping, etc…You have to care for these things if you want to keep them around…Later guys
I might have to pick this one up.
Ive always wanted to melt my masks but ive never had any luck
Actually, ya never know, that can be a good deal.
Look at crapface. A bad paintjob and treating it like its no good brought like $60 to the auction, when it was on ebay.
I think it was around that price, I just know it sold for more than $40.
Convert this baby into crapface and ya never know!
HAHA What some people deem worthy of an e-bay sale.
True that J, true that my friend…
looks like a few years ago someone wanted an accurate RZ mask and buried theirs… note to that person dont believe everything you see on tv
What the? That is a rip off, who would buy that? In item description it says it is starting to fall apart but to me it looks like it already has fallen apart, lol!
Well well well if it isnt ol Blue lips converted RZ Style ha ha . Was this a Blue lips ?
I think so, he said he paid $60 for it, and that is how much blue lips is valued in the gallery
I found the perfect mask for Halloween!