Cleaning mask with baby powder?

I’m personally a perfectionist and really protective of my Myers masks. I always look up more and more ways to make sure they stay safe from getting ruined, and I need a few tips here and there. I understand the whole idea of cleaning it after wearing, since sweat & oils from skin can damage the latex. However, I actually like to wear a very thin black ski-mask underneath to make sure it doesn’t come in contact with my skin. But just encase I still need to clean it afterwards, is it okay to use baby powder after wiping the inside with a damp cloth? I know people prefer to use cornstarch, but tell me, would it hurt the mask in any way if I cleaned it out with baby powder?

Corn Starch is overall much better from what I can gather but both shouldn’t affect your mask whatsoever…
Hope that helps!

Just don’t use talcum powder or overdo the baby powder and you’ll be fine. I’ve had certain latex masks for over 10 years which are as flexible as ever that I have never powdered. If you use it for more than just display I suggest a slight layer of powder after sweating in the mask. Try to avoid touching the mask with your fingers as much as you can and if displaying on a foam head keep it separated with a piece of felt or even just plastic bags. Also, if not kept in a glass case I suggest dusting your masks a few times a year as well.

corn starch powder is better and safer.

It’s really not good to breath baby powder, it’s like breathing plastic dust.

….I really have no idea why people use that stuff on babies. It honestly makes no sense to me. It’s like some old traditional habit that no one thinks to investigate.

it’s really not good to breath talcum powder. It’s like powdered silicon.

(by all means don’t just listen to random Kaiju-Man on the internet, look it up for yourself. You’ll also wonder why that stuff is ever used on babies or masks or in any situation where it will be breathed in. Look up the chemical and mineral properties of it’s makeup, links to cancer, etc, etc. )

….Corn Starch is where it’s at. :rock: I only use Corn Starch in my masks. I don’t want to breath silicone dust that’s going to sit in my lungs forever.

I use a little bit of alcohol on some paper towels to remove oils etc. Then I brush corn starch in it with a dry paint brush. This method works perfect and gets the job done. I would stay away from the baby powder a lot of ingredients in that stuff and there’s no reason to chance it.

I used baby powder for many years. But now I use corn starch. Everything KaijuMyers said is true.

Is talc bad for the latex? Wanted to ask before I used this myself after wearing one this year.

The major thing about talc is that it’s horrible for your respiratory system meaning so don’t have it in your mask then wear it. Also yes I would avoid it on your mask.

I use a none abrasive cloth with just a bit of diluted white vinegar and water. You can also use a tad of soap and water. then go back with some purified water to clean it out again. You don’t want a dripping wet rag, just enough to wipe with. Wring it out a bit before you apply it. Then go back and pat dry it until there is no moisture left.

The main thing is not leaving the sweat in there to break down the latex, or any other products you put on your face. Usually the day before I wear it I wash my hair super well, shave up and make sure I don’t have any lotion or oil on my face. Hit the mouth and the neck when you clean where the sweat pools.

I also wear a wig cap when I wear my mask. Helps keep a lot of sweat out of the dome in the first place.

Baby powder is suppose to keep moisture in… but honestly if your storage spot isn’t too hot or too cold it will be fine on it’s own. Latex is fairly durable if it’s not dried out. I think people originally used powder to keep the mask from sticking to your face when you wear it. Cheap masks and things.
I really don’t think it’s needed to maintain a mask.

It is moreso bad for your respiratory system and body in general. I use baby powder which isn’t the best option either, corn starch is really the best solution. I see people using powders even when they don’t wear the masks and that I don’t quite understand. It is definitely a necessity if you sweat in the mask as it will absorb any oils, etc and prevent the latex from deteriorating, but if you are just using the mask to display there really is no need to add powder to the mask. Just my opinion.

I’ve always used Corn Starch for my masks. …ANDY

Thanks, had no idea.

Thanks you, corn starch it is! And yeah I want to wear my NAG this year just once, but obviously I want to have it for a while so I am doing what I can to mantain it.

303 Aerospace. Use corn starch rather than baby powder, made the mistake of using the latter for years and it’s harsh to breathe in.