Collection Pics- NAG & 12"'s (PIC HEAVY)

Hey everyone, here are pics of my new mask collection. I just started collecting masks and have been collecting 12"s for a while now. The spaces you see in my shelves are a few customs I have out from One’s Customs. The Freddy is a Sideshow Dream Demon Freddy repainted with real metal blades and a different body. ENJOY.

Here are the shelfs. Friday the 13th is on the top, with customs coming for Part 5 and Part 8. The 4 spaces on the Freddy/Myers shelf is for an Escape Myers, H10 Hospital Bloody Myers, Hobo Myers Unasked, Hobo Myers. They are already commissioned to be made. The 12" on the bottom are going to go somewhere else once my other NAG masks come in (see signature). Next to the 2 Leatherfaces is a Ash Evil Dead 2 Custom. Then a Dexter Blood Slide Box made by our own Generalfrosty. Then there is a Dexter 12" Custom I’m working on. The 1/6th dexter accessories were made by Mike Ecko.

Thanks for looking!!! :rock:

cool stuff man. congrats on your nag score.

sweet collection. i remember seeing that one’s customs on ebay. there were 2 versions he had up at the same time. good catch.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

:drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers:

LOVE IT!!! :smiley:

nice collection :rock:

Wow, some great stuff in here! Thanks for sharing!

Cool collection… Dean

Very nice collection

Great shots!

Kick ass 12 inchers bro
I use to collect too before but lost interest

Keep it up man!

Thanks everyone!

I’m expecting a few more thing in the next 2 weeks or so. I’ll update this thread once they get here.

Thanks again :rock:

Silentsurfer is the man! What’s your SSF name?

SSF name is Elm Street Freak.

Silent Surfer did an amazing job on the Freddy and Myers head.
The other Myers stuff was done by One’s Customs. He does amazing work also.


Superb fig collection!
Very nicely displayed :slight_smile:
Thanks for sharing!

nice figures

Awe yeah, man - that exposed figure closeup is very nice :open_mouth: