Sounds awesome man! I’m going to go with option A 
A seems like what I remember, it also has that perfect mix of spruce green and grey in certain lighting
A and E are probably the closest colours for me, between the 2, it’s hard to tell which one until they get photographed under different lighting
Definitely E or A. They’re more of the “Greyed out kinda Green” Tommy described awhile back.
Thank you all! Having a lot of fun with the whole process. A and E are my 2 favorites, I’m just trying to get a nice balance of greens and greys in there without going too terribly dark. I’m ordering samples in a few weeks to do different lighting tests. I’m trying to get a close match on these two photos in terms of color.
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Definately between Option A or E, now I cant decide which is best out the two though…
Thank you all for the votes and comments! Right now A and E are definitely 2 of the samples that I’m going to order. I think pics of them I’m different lighting will be the final deciding factor.
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I think E. A seems more H2 I think.
It really is personal preference as all are pretty spot on. For me, I would go with A. E is also great but gives me.more 1981 vibes whereas A feels just like H1
Well, I found a new contender! Even though A and E are my favorites, I found A. to be a bit to green/dark, and E to be a bit too light/grey. I found this one and it’s looking great!

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That new one looks much better
I like the new one, too. A looks too sprucey to me.
Thanks guys! I’m ordering samples here shortly.
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I would’ve said E, but that new one you posted looks better.
Here’s a lighter version I found of that new option I posted. Thoughts?

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I feel like may look a little too brown, I’m not 100% on it yet. Still searching for the correct shades!
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Even though a looks too dark/spruce to me I will be ordering it as one of my test samples. Also provided everything goes well, I’d eventually offer them in charcoal and navy as well.