Color for my H1s... would love input!

Which do you think is the closest H1 Coveralls color from the samples below?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
0 voters

Hey all! I’m currently in the process with some clothing manufacturers and were getting down to selecting an actual color here shortly, which as I’m sure you can all imagine is a great deal of fun :laughing: they can custom dye them, so I’ve been taking a look at my options and have found a few that I think look close, but I’m having trouble deciding. I’m searching for some lighter colors as well, which will come later. But for now I have the following options to pick from and I’d love the community’s help in that. Here are the different fabric samples (which I’ll be ordering to get photos in various lighting situations):

So my question is which do you think looks closest? And if you think one could use some adjusting feel free to comment what you think it should look more like and I’ll try to adjust for that when ordering samples. Thanks a ton guys!

Sounds awesome man! I’m going to go with option A :slight_smile:

A seems like what I remember, it also has that perfect mix of spruce green and grey in certain lighting

A and E are probably the closest colours for me, between the 2, it’s hard to tell which one until they get photographed under different lighting

Definitely E or A. They’re more of the “Greyed out kinda Green” Tommy described awhile back.

Thank you all! Having a lot of fun with the whole process. A and E are my 2 favorites, I’m just trying to get a nice balance of greens and greys in there without going too terribly dark. I’m ordering samples in a few weeks to do different lighting tests. I’m trying to get a close match on these two photos in terms of color.

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Definately between Option A or E, now I cant decide which is best out the two though…

Thank you all for the votes and comments! Right now A and E are definitely 2 of the samples that I’m going to order. I think pics of them I’m different lighting will be the final deciding factor.

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I think E. A seems more H2 I think.

It really is personal preference as all are pretty spot on. For me, I would go with A. E is also great but gives me.more 1981 vibes whereas A feels just like H1

Well, I found a new contender! Even though A and E are my favorites, I found A. to be a bit to green/dark, and E to be a bit too light/grey. I found this one and it’s looking great!

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That new one looks much better

I like the new one, too. A looks too sprucey to me.

Thanks guys! I’m ordering samples here shortly.

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I would’ve said E, but that new one you posted looks better.

Here’s a lighter version I found of that new option I posted. Thoughts?

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I feel like may look a little too brown, I’m not 100% on it yet. Still searching for the correct shades!

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definitely A

Even though a looks too dark/spruce to me I will be ordering it as one of my test samples. Also provided everything goes well, I’d eventually offer them in charcoal and navy as well.