Conversion/rehaul tips by Uwannadon

Hey guys since I’m mostly retired from the hobby of conversions/rehauls/repairs I thought it would be beneficial to pass on tips and short cuts and lessons learned from doing it for 10 years. I was fortunate to have started when JC, AHG, Nik Nag, Nick M, Benny 7, Wmp, were all established and killing it/knocking out of the park as we used to say. They all learned on blanks (the correct way to do it) and all of them gave me constructive and much needed criticism and advice how to up my game.

Bitd 2013 when I joined here I had only an 84 DP the mask badly damaged, I was a noob that cut my teeth on Tots H2 masks when they first hit.
I was the first guy to post these conversions back then and was blasted with “why Tots?” The truth was back then blanks were only trusted to the main artists as many were clay pressed and recast into copies.
Tots H2s were the only option for me to attempt to make what I thought I saw on screen. My work and efforts progressed slowwwwwwly and I posted every embarrassing mask I did until blanks came and my practice started to show decent improvements enough where I would get requests for them. My eye cuts sucked and still do imo lmao, but my H2 finishes and hair still make me proud today. I got pretty good at repairs in latex such as rips, keyholes, and rehairing.
At one point bitd here on in projects and announcements I had a thread of my work that was just shy of 40 pages. An update wiped out a lot of older posts and the thread went into the abyss.
I remember days when Jimmy Spookhouse and Rowland Kelly and Simon use to laugh or applaud my work before they went on to be the major artists they are today. They all helped me improve and keep at it.

I’ll post some of these masks at times just so you can see that by you being new at this is where we all started. Many gave up and some did not but we all share the love for the Halloween Myers genre that made us do more than just watch the movie. Feel free to ask any questions you have about H1/2 or RZ mask rehauling. I never did the 2018 mask so others would be better to ask on those.strong text

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Very cool. Always looking to learn more as well as share. Thank you.

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Good stuff Don. Some good advice right there bud.

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I vividly recall one of my first Michael Myers masks that I painted, which was a ToTs H2. My goal was to make it stand out from what I had purchased at Party City, even on a tight budget. I truly cherished that mask, but unfortunately, it dry rotted after being left out in the elements due to my lack of knowledge at the time. I decided to spray paint over the dry rot, and it ended up looking wild and intense, almost like it was melting. I have it tucked away now; it’s definitely seen better days, but it holds too much sentimental value for me to ever part with it. I’ll keep it until it fully disintegrates. :joy:

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Hahaha yep spray paint will definitely take it out.