Creep just showed up....

Finally after months of waiting this just showed up on my doorstep today. This thing is bad ass, i love it. Just in time for the big day too. :rock:

Awesome score! Long live the Creep, I’ll never sell mine :drinkers:


Looks good brother

Awesome!! Congrats, the Creep is def a keeper!, :drinkers: :rock:

These new creeps look awesome. Congrats

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Mine arrived today too. I’ve owned 2 creeps in the past and Today I recieved the best ive ever owned. Its the hero 100%. Best H1 Myers mask ever IMO

^ i know what you mean man. When i opened this and saw it it screamed Hero. IMO closest thing you can get to an H1. I’ll have to take some worn shots sometime and post those too.

I love the hair color and think it is spot on! I have a Psycho on the way from Justin that’s supposed to arrive before the big day.

Happy Halloween!

FIne looking mask. hows the fit?

Now thats a fine looking creep, sweet score man!

IMHO, The Shat/Creep is the most dead-on Myers available at any price. Especially if done up by JC!!!

75k Supreme left - Shat JC Night Castle right.

Shat/Creep JC Night Castle left - 75k Supreme right

Fit is perfect. I actually ordered a 25" Creep because I have a big head. Justin nailed it.