Crepe hair sources?

Im hairing an H1 and I wanted to be accurate since that thread back that confirmed it was crepe but Im having trouble finding it. Anyone got any ideas?

actually its wool crepe, so its a blende, not just crepe

I was pretty sure I had it wrong but I couldn’t find the thread, thx.

I’ve found a cople of places that have it, but it’s in small qunitys.

I’ve also found that it’s used in makeup FX for the use of fake beards and staches. Just google it. You actually find a lot on that stuff.

your welcome my friend, good luck on the search bro

But is it good quality? Ive seen it and its a bunch of costume shit so im not sure.

as far as qulity, that I can’t say for I have yet to try it.

Well it makes sense thats its costume stuff, considering the kirk was mass-produced back then but Im not sure if its worth it.

Oh yeah thanks bro :sunglasses:

Most crepe hair that we find IS wool. Sometimes it’s made of something else such as silk or cotton, but the places we shop at as mask makers, carry the wool variety. If it’s not shiny, it’s most likely wool. The best price I’ve found it at is where it’s only $1.75 per foot length. When straightened, it ends up at around 3-4 feet. Straightening is as easy as placing it in hot tap water after unbraiding for only a few minutes, then hanging it to dry. I have a bicycle hook in my ceiling directly above our laundry room utility sink. I fill the sink 1/4 way with hot tap water, unbraid the lengths, and drop em in. Once soaked, I pull em out and hang em on the hook overnight to dry.

Contrary to popular belief, it does not have to be boiled or ironed. I’ve been using it for over 10 years this way, and hot tap water does the job perfectly.

Basically, any crepe hair you find, is most likely wool. When my local costume shop (Lynch’s) has it in stock, I get it there for $1.99 per foot. So if you can find it around $2 a foot locally without having to have it shipped, yer in good shape. Get it! :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for posting this! I’ve been on the hunt for some crepe hair for a while now. I know what my Nightmare is getting rehaired with!!! :wink:

My exact friggin thoughts!!!