Custom Michael Myers Jacket (By me)

I thought you guys might be interested in this,

As a side gig I make Custom Fashion. Most of the things I have done are Horror based. I recently designed a Michael Myers for a customer who wanted something unique and not based on an existing image from the movies. I took several pictures of My FPS Spectre Mask as a reference and slightly exaggerated the features. I use a mixture of acrylic paint and fabric medium in order to get this result.

I’m pleased with the way it turned out. I can share my other projects if you are interested.
2. MM Jacket.jpg
1. MM Jacket.jpg
3. MM Jacket.jpg

Nice! Yeah definitely post your other stuff :rock: :pumpkin:

This Custom Freddy Krueger jacket will be up for auction at the Texas Frightmare Convention on the evening of May 4th. It’s for a good cause if anyone is interested.

This is my first attempt at a custom jacket that I did exactly a year ago. This is purely acrylic and it’s obviously not as refined as my other work.

It’s based on a piece of fan art that I found (credit unknown)

These Pennywise Shoes were an absolutely nightmare to design… They are my first and only
pennywise shoes.jpg

A couple of other Commissions.

Nice stuff!

the jean jackets remind of the 80’s with the graffiti the back. great job man. they look awesome

That is so cool! Love the effect of the Freddy jacket looking like he ripped through it.

Thanks for the feedback guys. I know this is place is mainly for masks but a little creative variety helps.

I’m always looking for new customers.