Dick Warlock ..."Big Surprise"!

I don’t know how many of you saw this post by Dick but I for one am VERY intriuged!! :open_mouth:

This was originally posted here (bottom of page 3): https://forum.michael-myers.net/t/kh-col-h1-new-kh-converted-by-colin-new-pics-on-page-2/32327/45

Dick, whatever this is count me in! If it is a new mask like I suspect it is, PLEASE put me on the list for the earliest copy I can get!!! Can’t wait to hear what this is!!

When we spoke over lunch this past summer you said that there would be a surprise coming “next year”…is this the same surprise you were talking about?


ya he told me about this it sounds very promising

it’s free leftover fruitcake from his christmas party

I saw this post and I was very interested by it’s meaning :smiley:
Can’t wait to hear what it’s related to.

Yeah, I thought this was definitely “thread-worthy”.

The possibilites are very exciting and this may give us all a chance to discuss what it could be as well as hopefully hear the man himself chime in on the subject!

An unlimited replica of the HERO :bulb:
If so, I am sooo in on this!

Nice!!! Whatever this is Mr. Warlock…count me in for sure!!!

Maybe he’s been signed for the next movie, what better way to get the fans on board

I would love to be a part of this!

I know what it’s, but i won’t tell. :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: It’s going to be great!!!

maybe playing myers in halloween 3?!?!? That would be sweeeetttttt

I wonder if it is something I think it might be…Hmmm. That would explain the huge wait.

ya it will be very cool yall are in for a great treat

Okay, I’m extremely jazzed and can’t wait! It’s hard not being in the know! :wink:

Yes, this is going to be a big surprise and I want in! :rock:


What he said!


Yeah count me in as well…Im very excited to see whats cooking :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :rock: :rock: :partyman: :prayer: :prayer: :prayer: :supz: :prayer:

I’ll admit… I am intrigued. :smiley:

This should be VERY cool! Any update on this Dick?