Did Michael ever have a sexual relationship?

I love Michael yet I wonder if he had remorse , anger,or feeling of disgust. For physical sex. Rob showed us how his sister and Mother behaved so I am just asking. Any thoughts??

hmm, No i think it is just pure evil left in him.

Well, as a matter of fact, in H6, it was said Jamie’s son Stephen was indeed Michael’s and that he was influenced by the Man in Black to assault her and birth his child for the cult’s experimental purposes.
Since H6 was crap anyway, and it wasnt ever officially said whether or not the baby was Michael’s, or the Man in Black’s, the studio never said whose baby it was in order to keep fans guessing.

As for H2, fans have been going back and forth on whether or not Michael raped Annie in the attack sequence due to the fact that Deborah’s ghost tells him to ‘have fun’, Annie was discovered in the bathroom fully nude, and when Annie’s screams are heard while Maya and Laurie pull up sound rather heart-wrenching to be just from stabbing.
Michael MIGHT have some sexual tendancies, like when he touches his sister in H1, but I highly doubt he raped Annie.
Alot of people have been talking about it though.

I don’t believe Michael raped Annie. Considering all of the blood, I imagine he threw her around so hard he ripped her clothes off in the process.

As far as how he feels about sex, I don’t think he cares one way or another.

Agreed. With the amount of overkill that Rob Zombie did in H2, it’s very likely that’s what he was doing with the Annie kill.

okay just watched the p cut…she says ‘‘michael please dont hurt me’’ and she is strapped down…i beleive something did happen there, after all she says its your baby michael…and this is in the midst of explaining the baby
but no it was never explained…so speculation but hey if the shoe fits…

but RZ…no not a rape scene at all rob AND tyler have stated it was not meant that way…or maybe jus rob cant remember

Wow thanks for all the insight. That was a nice round

amyd, are you by any chance a twelve year old boy who thinks calling everything “gay” is the funniest thing ever? Just wondering, because your post certainly suggests it.

Amyd is definitely not a 12 year old boy, pal. lol

She brings up a good point. This question is pretty ridiculous to be completely honest. What could you benefit from it? What good would knowing Michael popped a chubby do for your Halloween trivia. I simply can’t fathom why you would want to know, even if there was an answer.

I don’t see anything wrong with being curious about something like that. Zombie’s films delved a bit deeper into Michael’s mind, so I think it’s a perfectly reasonable question to ask, even if I’m definitely of the opinion that he didn’t rape Annie and that sex is probably the furthest thing from his mind.

Besides, sex and death have always been a part of this franchise, so this just seems like a typical question that could be asked.

I’ll just say this. I can see why posting on a Michael Myers related message board would make me seem a bit “out there” to most people outside the hobby, but I’ll be damned if someone sees me on here talking about a fictional movie slasher’s sexual encounters.

That’s just weird. Even for a horror-based/mask collecting forum.

Michael Myers was in Rob Zombie’s Halloween?



I heard JASON was into threesomes!! That’s just what I heard from a friend who ate cup cakes while wearing a black sock on their left foot AND wearing a TIGHT yellow shirt while going COMMANDO!

-Big D

No, weird would be asking “Did Michael f*** Annie? I hope so because it turns me on SO MUCH!” That wasn’t what was being asked here. Someone asked what feelings, if any, Michael had about sex. It was a legitimate question, not a perverted one. It’s an “out there” question for sure, no argument there, but considering the kinds of things us fans DO talk about, I don’t find it that odd. Certainly not enough to be labeled “weird” and “gay” by fans who concern themselves over other details of the franchise.

OK I was just asking a question based on the deeper character development that Rob took us on. I am new here and I now regret this post but wait until you see my new one where I try to convinve my live in girl, wh hates my mask collection, that Michael was justified with his killings. Please dont censor my membership. :blush:

Where did her response go??? IT WAS THE BEST :butthead:

That is too funny…but the one post that asked if he liked Walmart or Target was funnier,but it got deleted…too bad…thanks for the laugh :finga:

Plus you cannot go inside a store that size with a mask on anyway :laughing:

That’s been a big debate among fans for years. The ambiguity around Michael’s actions, especially in H2, leaves a lot open to interpretation. While there are hints that he might have some disturbing tendencies, nothing is ever explicitly confirmed, which is why the discussion keeps going. The studio definitely played into the mystery, leaving fans to theorize endlessly.

I think the only thing he could ever do was killing and that’s the only thing that crosses his mind.

Who did Jamie have the baby in H6 with?

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