a few month ago I planed to buy a CGP Warlock mask. But now Iam to late, theres no GCP anymore…
Now, Crypt Warlocks are avaible, but that one looks to different, I think, also when it is the same mold.
But Iam not sure about that… CGP’s pictures was made with dark, blue light. Crypt’s photos are shown in daylight.
I have to make a decision. Search for a old GCP or a new Crypt.
Has anyone pictures of that both masks with the same light?
HEY, I hope these pics, help you out, because I was in the same perdicament, as you!! I wanted to buy one from Terry, until this mess was brought up!! So I bought one from cryptcostudios, and I couldn’t be more pleased, with the product, and the wait!! So, here’s some pics of my CCS Warlock, alot of people, think, it’s a CGP Warlock, so you can’t go wrong, with one of these!!!
I’ve owned, at various times, over 15 CGP Warlocks. The quality varied on them from outstanding to mediocre. I’ve never owned the new Crypt versions, but from the pics they look a WHOLE LOT like CGP work, from paint to escpecially the hairwork…Larry
You can’t go wrong with a cryptco Warlock!! I have one, and it’s great!! I also have a CGP Warlock, which is great too. You can’t go wrong with either one bro!!
Whats up with the first 9 pictures? Is that a early run or the standart? I wish to have such a mask
And, are there any pictures in the gallery of the early run?
I agree, It seems to be almost a carbon copy of CGP’s. Anyone have a CCS Sandman? I haven’t seen if they differ from CGP yet.
For reference this is my early run CGP Sandman.
This is just my opinion but I’m not sure what you’re all smokin’. CGP’s finishing is way better than the CryptCo finishing on Terry’s masks. Even the pics used to advertise on the site do them no justice. They look terrible and rushed.