Disinfecting a mask

Has anyone ever used rubbing alcohol to clean out and disinfect a mask? I’m wondering if rubbing alcohol would have any negative effects on the latex.

If its worn a lot rubbing alcohol actually is a pretty solid idea to clean it out. I’ve done this on almost every worn mask I’ve purchased from others throughout the years. A bit OCD I guess lol. If you’re worried about it being too strong, you can actually spray hairspray onto a cloth as they are alcohol based and will get the job done as well. Alcohol is great at removing pen, marker, germs. Etc while keeping the latex in tact!

always use a thin Ski Mask under your Mask if your wear! that keeps the heavy sweat away and you be safe! xD

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Thanks for the replies guys. :slight_smile:

Don’t worry man… I’m OCD too. :wink: I just purchased a non-Myers mask from a guy who wore it a lot to sing in. I can only imagine all the saliva and sweat that has been it this thing. So I definitely want to clean it out and disinfect it really well. Needless to say, I’m going to use the alcohol. :laughing:

I would use distilled water, by itself, as a regular way of cleaning. And in this case, since the mask is more in need of cleaning. The alcohol followed closely by the distilled water. This will help avoid any potential deterioration.

Thanks man… I’ll do that

I just use regular cold tap water and the bars of handsoap everyone uses like dove or ivory.
No chemicals in there to harm the latex, if its really sweaty you can use some dishsoap like dawn or sunlight both safe for skin and latex