Disney’s Halloween Treat VHS

I found this at a garage sale years ago. Very nostalgic for me! It is incredibly rare. I haven’t seen it for sale online anywhere since I got it. It’s still in beautiful condition too. I’ve thought about selling it over the years but it would demand a VERY high price!

I believe I had seen the1982 and the 1983 DVD on ebay for $15. I had also seen the VHS Bundle I believe this one going for $130. Nice score, This definitely holds some nostalgic value though.

VHS bundle?

Yeah the title could have been incorrect because it seemed to be only 1 VHS in the pictures. But the cover art was the same as this one. I’m not entirely sure what els “Bundle” was included.

Wow… that’s crazy cheap for something so rare! I’ve seen a dvd many times… I don’t think it’s a dvd from Disney though… pretty sure that dvd is a rip of the vhs but anyway… the vhs, I don’t think I’ve ever seen in eBay, and I’m on eBay a lot! Lol

I was looking for it for years and then bam… sitting on a table at some dude’s house :open_mouth:

This was a little bit ago but I agree it douse seem cheap for the item. maybe they just wanted to make quick cash. I had a friend sell a Overhauled H40 mask by Remzap for $60 to make quick cash.

Yeah that makes sense