Do you seriously still like Halloween?

I have been into the Halloween movies for like 25 years. One would say I just shouldn’t care about it anymore, but I still do. I buy memorabilia, I watch the movies, especially the old sequels.

There are too many movies now in 2024, but there is still something to like about it. We will see if this changes in 10 years from now on, but now, I still consider myself a Halloween fan.

How about you?

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hello.i will say that yes i still love the halloween movies.and anything micheal myers related.i dont think that will ever go away in was the original movie i seen as a kid that impacted me so much.and it grew into obsession from thier.and at this point i wont let anything ever change that.or let anyone tell me to seems anymore people or situations try to take away from a persons or individuals joy.or happiness.i say heck to that!do what you love.enjoy what you enjoy.and be impacted.and never let anything ruin is a place where we all have those interests.and i like this place also…but back to halloween love.yeah…carpenter is the suspense and horror movie king!

The last three movies left the series in a bit of a confusing state, but whatever. Can you imagine how people, who loved the first two movies, reacted when H3, H4, H5 and H6 was released? Same sort of situation here.

Not trying to contradict what I wrote elsewhere, I enjoy each movie for what it is. And a great example of how much I love Halloween is today in the morning, I have stumbled upon an instagram post, which said that we should get a direct sequel to H6. I read it with absolute passion. So certain things will probably never go away, just like in your case.

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Very nicely said. I agree. Some thing just never go away. Even though I do not appreciate the last three movies, every single one has its own charm. Especially the older ones.

It’s simply money that rule the world and will rule it over any valid opinion that a random Halloween fan might have. I wonder if in the entire existence of any internet Halloween forum, it has been visited by a person directly responsible for making this or that Halloween movie, at least once. I would really like to know.

Or I remember last year I have decided to rewatch Halloween Kills (purchased it on Google TV) and watched it with huge interest. Or when it was Halloween, I totally texted my brother that the 2018 Halloween movie is on TV, since he hadn’t seen that one yet. Not to mention that around summer, I decided to rewatch most of the old F13 movies in my parents summer house (to keep on track with the people in F13 forums) and boy, that was like getting to my childhood days, when watching a horror movie was just exctasy for me.

All of this happening in 2024.

So no, certain things are just there, they are not going anywhere.

I still love the original. Probably my favorite movie of all time. I still remember the first time I saw it on network TV at the age of 5 after getting back from trick or treating. I was hooked ever since. I also enjoy Halloween II, probably because it maintains the tone of the original to some level.

I used to enjoy the other sequels as a kid but I have since grown out of them. Don’t think I’d ever be able to sit through Halloween 4 or 5 again.

I still look forward to new Halloween movies even though they never measure up to the original. Guess I’m always hoping that one day they’ll be able to recreate that magic formula that made the original so great.


I saw the original at my aunts on Halloween for the first time when I was 9. I was scared shit but loved the care at the same time! I’m 46 now, & still watch it & all of them pretty often. Never get sick of it or bored with it. I have 6 kids & 5 grand kids & they all feel the same way! I own 9 masks I purchased from Nag, & full arm sleeve dedicated to Myers! By far the best horror film ever. So much memorabilia I do t have a place to put it all but soon I bough I’ll have my man cave & set it all up! Hardcore fan I’ll die. Big high five to all you Shape fans out there. :hocho: :jack_o_lantern: