does any one Know?

does anyone on here know Killer Clowns 1976 cuz that douchbag screwed me out of 25.00!

Same here!
I am pissed he charged 25.00 for A NON EXISTING CAMERA!!! :imp:

Wow , i almost bought it but he told me he had no use for a camera…then i thought…he took a pic of his own camera?

What did he screw you on?

I almost bought that Camera as well. :open_mouth:

i also looked into buying this camera…BUT i got smart and asked him a few questions before i agreed to send money and he just ignored my request for more information on the camera and so i assumed it was a bad deal. Case closed on that deal!
Sry about ya’lls loss of that crappy deal.

well i asked him about it and he gave me details so i bought a nice big piece of air.

same here a silver nikon coolpix this is messed up he wont even answer me!

you and loomis both purchased that camera ?

yeah its bulls**t i opened a dispute in paypal don’t know what good it wiil do?

and i checked his user name and it said he was on today i wish i could actually get his info and do something about this butt-pirate!

that sucks man, did you report this to the mods ? i would try and have him banned

well i’m sure they see it !