does anyone no this member?

I was working on a deal with nikolasartstudios it says he’s a contributor and he told me to look through his masks and I don’t how to see em and is he a good guy to deal with? Thanks

This should answer all of your questions. :wink:

He’s one of the best mask makers out there.

Yes nik is an awesome guy to deal with. I ordered the new H9 mask from him, he told me it would take 3 weeks to get, i received it on the 21st day :rock: , i couldn’t have asked for better service IMO. He responded to every email i sent him. Go for it, you wont be disapointed, :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: , what mask are you looking to get???

the best to work with, honest as can be

go to the gallery and look for his masks

He said he would trade me 3 masks for a guitar i have for trade…he wanted me to send first thats why i asked…im not sure i want a blood tears and a warlock, Idk if he makes em or not

Screen Used 2…he doesnt make warlocks. I think you know who he is. NAG ring a bell? as in Nag H78, NAG Screen used H9, etc…

im in the middle of a trade with him, hes awesome to deal with, i had to ship first, but that is kind of a policy with Nik, theres no reason not to trust him my friend, take care, Z

Thank u so much for the info guy I didn’t realize he was nil from nag:…and the screen used h2 looks amazing…do u no if he csn make it a blood. Tears?

I’m sure he could do anything to his masks upon request. Shoot him a PM and ask him man.

I have made a few pretty big trades with Nik and sent my stuff first every time. He is awesome to trade with.

He’s off for the night…do u no if he still runs the mint 75’s? And does anyone mo if he makes display cases or stands?

I did a nice trade with Nik last year and shipped first with no worries. In the end, the mask I received made the wait well worth it. He probably asked for you to ship first because you are a fairly new member and have yet to build up any sort of reputation.

I did many trades with Nik, although after a few trades he still always wants me to ship first.

Is his screenused 2 just as good or better than a warlock? And what do u guys think about one with blood tears?

Nik is a great guy I dont think you should have any problems.

Repeat all positive statements from above & add: I’m pretty sure Nik can do 'em up any way you wish.